After the sad passing of Prince Philip in April of last year, who is it that the Queen must turn to now?
It is Queen Elizabeth II’s 96th birthday and we want to know who it is that exists within her inner circle. Take a look below to find out the Queen’s closest confidantes.
Princess Alexandra of Kent

Few people can comprehend what it’s like to grow up in the royal limelight, but someone who can is the Queen’s cousin, Princess Alexandra of Kent, which is no doubt why they are so close. Princess Alexandra, who was sixth in line to the throne at the time of her birth but is presently 57th, is a working royal who is frequently called upon to represent the Queen at home and abroad (although not so much recently). She was even a bridesmaid for the Queen. For decades, the cousins have been spotted in one other’s company, and they frequently dress alike as a charming nod to their closeness.
Susan Rhodes

Susan is married to Simon Rhodes, the son of Margaret Rhodes, the Queen’s cousin. In 2017, Susan became one of the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting She also joined HMS Bubble, the group that helped protect the monarch at Windsor Castle during the Covid-19 pandemic. Margaret, Susan’s mother-in-law, was widely regarded as the Queen’s dearest friend, having grown up with her, being cousins on the Bowes-Lyon side of the family.
Angela Kelly

Angela Kelly, the Queen’s 64-year-old Dresser, is one of the Queen’s slightly unexpected friendships. Despite their 30-year age difference and obvious differences in backgrounds and experiences, the Liverpudlian has grown close to the Queen during her 20 years of service. Kelly has even received royal consent to write The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser, and the Wardrobe, a memoir of her time working at the palace, which includes details about how the Queen survived during lockdown and after Prince Philip’s death.
Lady Susan Hussey

Lady Susan, another of the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting, has been by the Queen’s side since 1960, soon earning the nickname “number one Head Girl” for her diligence. As a widow herself and a member of HMS Bubble, she was the natural choice for Her Majesty to have by her side as she travelled to St George’s Chapel for Prince Philip’s funeral in 2021.
Sir Jackie Stewart

Sir Jackie Stewart, the legendary racing driver, is one of the Queen’s more surprising inner circle members. However, the two have known each other for many years and his wife Helen is the godmother of her granddaughter, Zara Phillips. He’s been known to spend Christmas with the royals at Sandringham, and the Queen made a rare appearance at his private birthday party in 2019.
John Warren

It is no secret that racing is one of the Queen’s great loves. Since she’s always bred horses, she’s always had a tight relationship with her racing advisers, and she often feels more at ease among them because of the stables setting. Lord Porchester, or ‘Porchie,’ as she called him, was one of her closest friends. He had trained her horses for 33 years, but she had known him much longer. Following Porchie’s death in 2001, his son-in-law John Warren assumed the job and quickly established himself as one of Her Majesty’s most trusted confidants.