If isolation has taught us anything, it is that even in hardship beauty and art can elevate us past our problems and into a better mental state. The art community has been very active during these difficult times, helping people across the globe through free online exhibitions, concerts, operas and plays – providing hope and much needed cultural relief.

Following their desire to support the art community in return, the JD Malat Gallery in Mayfair has announced an initiative called Isolation Mastered; a unique group exhibition featuring the work of 20 selected artists who demonstrate a creative response to the isolation period during COVID-19.
Running from the 1st – 8th July, Isolation Mastered aims to give aspiring artists of all ages and backgrounds an opportunity to showcase and sell their artwork in one of London’s leading galleries. Submissions are open for any UK-based artist and run from now until the 15th of June. Once closed, applications will be reviewed by an experienced committee, consisting of members from curatorial, art collecting, art dealing and art advisory disciplines:
Simon de Pury (Art Dealer & Auctioneer)
Dylan Jones (GQ Editor)
Robert Montgomery (Artist)
David Bellingham (art historian, art market historian, author and Programme
Director of the MA in Art Business, Sotheby’s Institute of Art London)
Gavin Rossdale (Musician and Art Collector), Jean-David Malat (Founder, JD Malat Gallery)
Victoria Aboucaya (Director, JD Malat Gallery) and special guests, Gavin Turk (British Artist)
Katrin Fridriks (Artist)
This committee will select their top 20 artists whose work presents an innovative dialogue with this isolation period and demonstrates a masterful exploration of their chosen medium. The 20 selected artists will be displayed in an exhibition during the first week of July.
During this exhibition, JD Malat Gallery will welcome members of the public to decide on their favourite artist through a series of online and in-person votes. The artist with the most votes will receive an exclusive solo show at JD Malat Gallery in 2021.
With all profits made from the exhibition directed at each artist and their practice, the goal of this initiative is to support artists during this difficult time. As a gallery that has inclusivity and diversity at the core of its programme, JD Malat Gallery hopes this unique artist-led initiative will be an opportunity to foster connection and strengthen the art community despite this period of newfound distance caused by the global pandemic.

Jean-David Malat – Founder JD Malat Gallery
“During this period of unprecedented uncertainty, art is one of the most important ways to foster positivity and connect our society. We hope that this initiative not only provides a platform for artistic expression during this challenging time, but also upholds a collective mission to support the art sector and give creative individuals of all backgrounds an opportunity to exhibit their work.”
To enter ISOLATION MASTERED, or recommend to a friend, simply follow this link .