Let’s Get Astro Physical 😉

Ever since the dawn of time, humans have looked to the astros for guidance and inspiration. The moon, the sun and the stars have served as sign-posts towards uncovering nature’s mysteries and our purpose in the broader galactic plan.
Today, although astronomy and other scientific research have largely replaced the magical mythicism of our ancestors, our fascination with the stars remains and many unexplained forces continue to baffle us. One such force is the power of the cosmos and the moon on our being, moods and existence.
We try to make sense of these invisible forces through analysis and introspection of the stars through astrology; a field that remains hotly contested across with academics yet nonetheless maintains a huge level of popularity around the world.
Despite your scientific or philosophical slant, tonight’s pink super moon is one to watch and look forward to. Hitting its peak at exactly 3:35 AM GMT (or 10:34 p.m. EST), this moon is a powerful one as it coincides with the perigee (the point when a moon’s orbit is closest to Earth, making it seem much larger and brighter than normal), resulting in dramatic high and low oceans times.

As the second super full moon in a row, astrologers predict its powers will be felt around the globe and suggest turning to the experts for interpretations on how to best manage and optimise the opportunities it will present (see our recommendations at the bottom of this article).
According to astrology, although tonight’s moon is ‘in Libra’, meaning that it brings equilibrium and unity as represented by the balance in the sign’s scales. This ‘cardinal air sign’ seeks opportunity and harmony, a peace in its essence.

Unfortunately, the bad news is that the moon will not actually be pink tonight. It takes its misleading name from the blooming of pinkish wildflowers which traditionally bloom around this time of the year, so prep your pink Instagram story filters if you want to grab that perfect ‘gram of the year’s largest moon.
Want to know more how astrology can help you interpret this important astrological moment? DDW Recommends trying the following free apps:

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The pink super moon might be the perfect to get into crystals