We all live in a simulation anyway, so why not chose the lifestyle of your dreams?
Are you aiming for a college degree, a career in entertainment, a military life, or a business of your own? There are plenty of lifestyle choices to make early in life, and all the paths can lead to financial success and personal satisfaction. Which of the following suits your personality, skills, and preferences?

College Degrees
College is the top choice for today’s high school grads, even though plenty of them select other paths, like trade school or becoming a professional entertainer. However, earning a college diploma and financing it are two pieces of the same puzzle. They are intrinsically linked tasks, but the financing piece comes first. After deciding which school you want to attend, find out all the particulars about tuition, fees, and other related expenses. The bill can add up fast, so don’t be surprised or discouraged.
Luckily, there are student loan programs that can assist future college attendees with the cost of getting a degree. Unlike joining the military or inheriting a family-owned company, college students need to come up with a substantial amount of money to get the ball rolling. Step one is applying for a student loan online and finding out how much you can borrow to cover the education-related bills. The upshot is that having a four-year degree opens hundreds of rewarding, good paying career paths.
Military Commissions
The US military offers commissions to people who graduate from their academics, like West Point and The Naval Academy. Competition is stiff, but if you want a faster route to job skills and free education, consider enlisting in one of the four main branches for between two and four years of active duty. The armed services are not for everyone, but many young adults have gained valuable career skills, degrees, and on-the-job experience during their time on active duty. There are generous tuition credits for those who complete their training and return to civilian life.
Entrepreneurship & Family Businesses
There are those who skip the formal education route and start their own businesses. Others are lucky enough to inherit a family company and operate it until they retire. It’s important to realize that many who follow this road end up attending college and earning a degree in their respective fields. Most family run retail establishments are operated by degree holders who chose to earn diplomas in marketing, accounting, or management. This can be a demanding choice though so be sure to pay attention to any signs you need a break and surround yourself with an optimized support system.
One of the most glamorous lifestyle choices, as far as its image is concerned, is a career in entertainment. Most young adults who choose this path go into acting, singing, or stand-up comedy. While there are many more job opportunities behind the camera, entertainers tend to either skip formal education altogether or earn a degree in drama, performing arts, or a similar subject. In the US, California and New York City are the defacto capitals of the trade, and most who enter the profession begin there, even if they end up somewhere else. Income and job stability are highly volatile. Indeed, prospective entertainers prefer to hold day jobs for a number of years, at least until they can support themselves on income from performing.