5 Notable Women in STEM Who Revolutionised Our Civilisation
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5 Notable Women in STEM Who Revolutionised Our Civilisation

March 11, 2023

Prominent female achievers are seldom recognised and given credit for their contributions in STEM, let’s change that.

How many women in STEM do you know about? 

There have been many prominent women throughout history who’ve thrived in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and made exceptional contributions. Whether building computer programs, discovering chemical elements, or inventing breakthrough machines, they have saved millions of lives through their extraordinary work.

We’re about to lists five of the greatest women in STEM. Read on to find out about their major achievements and life events. When you study these prominent women, you will understand how they overcame numerous obstacles and made sacrifices that ultimately helped in the advancement of humanity.

Rosalind Franklin

Image courtesy of Encyclopaedia Britannica

A notable chemist and X-ray crystallographer, Rosalind Franklin, is known for her discovery of DNA structure. She studied X-ray diffraction technology and observed structural changes due to graphite formation from the heated carbons. 

Rosalind researched DNA using X-ray diffraction methods when she was a research fellow at King’s College, London, in 1951. She successfully measured the density of DNA and found the molecule to exist in helical confrontation. This led to the historical discovery of the DNA double helix concept in 1953. Franklin also did brilliant work studying molecular structures of viruses, RNA, coal, and graphite. 

She is often recognized as the wronged heroine because her contribution to the discovery of DNA structure was mostly unrecognized. Professional paper writers from trusted essayservice.com who write college essays for students, would find Franklin’s story of scientific greatness a solid inspiration to women and future scientists.

Marie Curie

Image courtesy of Nobel Prize

One of the greatest women scientists of all time, Marie Curie, made extraordinary contributions to the evolution of humanity. She was a Polish-born physicist and chemist known for her groundbreaking work on radioactivity.

She and her husband discovered two new elements named radium and polonium in 1898. This discovery made her the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. But this doesn’t end here because she went on to win the second Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911 in recognition of her work in radioactivity. 

Marie Curie devoted herself to helping wounded soldiers in the First World War by developing smart X-ray portable machines. Essay writers must mention that her study in radioactivity led to the invention of nuclear energy, Carbon Dating, and cancer treatment methods. 

Katherine Johnson

Image courtesy of NASA

A distinguished mathematician and space scientist, Katherine Johnson significantly contributed to numerous NASA missions during the 1950s and 1960s. 

Katherine was the human computer who manually solved complex equations for spacecraft trajectories. Essay writers who can also help with the request  to “write my term paper” emphasize that she calculated the trajectory for the historic flight of the first American in space in 1961. Considering her accuracy and experience, she was specifically asked to verify the calculation for the orbital mission of John Glenn in 1962. One of her major contributions includes the trajectory calculations for the flight of Apollo 11 to the moon in 1969. 

Although she was rarely appreciated for her work, 97-year-old Johnson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015, America’s highest civilian honor. Best essay writers online who you can find on the essay writing service review platforms always mention that she broke through all the racial discrimination she faced as a black woman and proved that a single woman could change the world.

Barbara McClintock

Image courtesy of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Barbara McClintock was one of the most notable scientists of the 20th century who made groundbreaking discoveries related to mobile genetics. 

After receiving her Ph.D. in botany in 1927, she started her long career in cytogenetics. Barbara studied maze genetics and made discoveries on plant reproductions that were mostly ignored by the scientific community. She used intelligent techniques for visualizing maize chromosomes and found that some genes could transpose within chromosomes, which led to variations in physical traits. 

It was during the mid-1960s when scientists validated her work, and she received the long-deserved credit. Barbara won the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1983 for discovering genetic transposition. A professional essay writer understands the lesson from her life–believe in yourselves and pursue your work irrespective of people’s opinions.

Grace Hopper

Commodore Grace M. Hopper, USN (covered).

As an exceptional mathematician and computer scientist, Grace Hopper, made significant contributions to computer programming and software development. 

Hopper used her programming skills to serve the US Navy during the Second World War and assisted in building the Mark I computer. She believed that coding doesn’t have to be complex, therefore creating a word-based language that simplified programming and made it accessible to people with a non-mathematical background. A true STEM queen. In 1959, Hopper assisted in developing COBOL, which became the most popular programming language by 1970. 

Essay writers should mention that Hopper was 79 when she retired from the Navy, becoming the oldest serving officer in the US armed forces. She was awarded the National Medal of Technology in 1991 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016 for her notable contributions to the field of computer science.

Women have changed the world with their astonishing accomplishments in various fields, including computer science, medicine, chemistry, and space technology. You can study the above brilliant women to know them better before you work on your assignment. A professional essay writer knows that proper research is essential for collecting required information and composing impressive arguments. Looking at successful women in STEM, one realises everything is possible when you believe in yourself and remain devoted to your work.

Phil Collins from EssayService
Author: DDW Insider